Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 46 - Weigh In

All I really can say is Wow! Weigh in this morning was amazing - I lost 3.4lbs! This is amazing after having such a rough week. I can't explain it and you know what, it doesn't really matter. I'm thrilled! There is nothing more motivating than a nice loss.

Several weeks ago I hit my 50 pound goal. However, I had not been able to find my key-chain to take a photo of all my milestone charms together. In fact, I never did find it. My wonderful Weight Watcher's leader replaced it at today's meeting. I'm so thankful to have it back again. It's funny how these little things mean so much, but they do.

Since today's weigh in brought me back over my 50lb milestone, with a total of 53.2lbs lost I think the timing is just perfect!

My week of accountability (part 2) starts today! I'll be posting my food tracker each day this week. Please join me!

This is really going to be a fantastic week. I'm back and I feel great!


  1. Friggin' incredible! CONGRATS! You are on FIRE!!!! Good job!!!

  2. Thanks so much, Chubby McGee. I couldn't believe it!

  3. I love those WW charms ... I almost wish I did WW just so I could have some! Great little reminders of all the hard work you're doing.

  4. Love your bling! Love your positive outlook even more!

