Monday, March 28, 2011

Food Journal - Day 2 - Week of Accountability

Here we go. . .Day 2 of my Week of Accountability.

How did you do today?

Daily PointsPlus Allowance: 50
Daily PointsPlus Used: 45
Weekly PointsPlus Allowance: 49
Weekly PointsPlus Used: 0


  1. Yesterday (Monday) was my first day on the Weight Watchers Plus program. I had a very difficult using all my points. My diet has always been rich with fruits and vegetables, so I only used 25 of my daily 29 allowance points. I also earned 4 activity points.

    After 1 week, I'll need to re-evaluate if the Plus program is right for me or not. My goal is to lose 25 pounds, so we'll see! Thanks for the motivation, you are the reason I have joined Weight Watchers again!

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    I say great job on day 1!! I know it seems like a lot of food when you first start, but it's not too bad if you pre-plan and work an extra couple points in a snack or meal. Great job on 4 activity points for the day! Awesome!

    Also, your closing comment was very flattering (and motivating!) It's like recursive motivation!! LOL :)
