Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Renewal of Vows

The last few weeks have been extremely busy. I'm used to hectic schedules and whirlwind days, but between work, college, church, the children, illnesses, doctor appointments, and on and on, the month of October has been flying by.

The good news is, through this extremely quick month I have not gained weight. Last week I lost 4.5lbs. This week, well, I'm fairly certain it would be a stay the same, if not gain week, but I wasn't able to go weigh in to know. Now typically I can slide into another meeting to weigh in but that doesn't look like it will be possible this week. But that's ok.

Friday evening, even though I'm fighting the cold the children have had, I ran to the grocery store so I could be prepared this week. It's going to be a re-commitment week! I'm renewing my vows to myself. I will measure and weigh all my foods, stick to points and drink my water. I haven't been wavering too far off plan, but as things get more hectic, it is harder to track every bite, create the weekly meal plan, stick to the meal plan and even go to the grocery store to stock up on all the foods that keep me on track.

So, this week is it. It's the first week, all over again. I actually find that if I do this every couple months it really re-energizes me. I get motivated, I see a dramatic loss and I can then sustain it for a few weeks. When I feel myself slipping - I do it all over again.

So here's to a new first week, all over again. I'm extremely close to my 10% weight loss and this is just what I need to get over that hump.

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